Warning! This degree is being discontinued!


Request for Supervisory Committee

  • Due at the end of your second semester of study
  • You must have 3 professors on your committee
  • 2 must be ME regular faculty (not auxiliary)
  • Type everything – handwritten forms will not be accepted


Program of Study

  • Due 7 months prior to graduation – check with Amanda for exact deadlines
  • You must list every class that counts toward your degree, including classes you will take in the future
  • You must gather the original signatures of your professors
  • You must earn a B- or better in order for a class to count
  • Type everything – handwritten forms will not be accepted


Application for Graduation

  • Used to apply for graduation
  • Must be submitted to the Graduation Office
  • Must be submitted by certain deadlines to graduate in certain semesters
  • See the Graduation Office’s Website for deadlines
  • Deadlines are hard. Late submissions will default to the following semester


Request to Change Committee Form

  • Used to change one or more committee members
  • If changing your chair, get the signatures of both the old and the new chair
  • Type everything – handwritten forms will not be accepted


Amendment to Program of Study

  • Used to change/swap courses listed on your program of study
  • Due as soon as you know you want to change courses
  • Must be signed by committee chair
  • Type everything – handwritten forms will not be accepted


Change of Degree Program

  • Used to switch from the MEN to the MS or some other degree
  • Due 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester
  • Must be signed by your committee chair/advisor


Request for Leave of Absence

  • Required for any fall or spring semesters that you don’t register
  • Must be signed by committee chair/advisor
  • Must be typed – handwritten forms will not be accepted
  • International students must take additional steps to avoid falling out of visa status