Transfer Credit Policy

A maximum of 6 credit hours from graduate courses not used for any other degree may be transferred to a student’s Program of Study. Students must complete a Graduate Transfer Credit Authorization form from the admissions office and submit this form to their Graduate Advisor. Students must send official transcripts directly to the Graduate Admissions Office in order for the course transfer to be processed.


Transfer Policies

  • Transfer classes must be classified as graduate level by the university at which they were taken.
  • Classes must be graded at a B or higher and cannot be counted toward another degree.
  • Up to 6 credit hours (typically 2 courses) may be transferred.
  • Because of the time it takes to process transfer requests, it is recommended that students not take transfer classes during their final semester of study. Doing so can delay the awarding of the degree.

Transfer Procedures

  1. The transfer class must first be completed and graded. If the class is in progress, please wait until the completion of the class before beginning the transfer process.
  2. Obtain an official transcript from the transferring university and mail it to the University of Utah Admissions Office. Make sure the transcript includes the final grade for the class.
  3. Fill out the Graduate Transfer Credit form, obtain your chair’s signature, and submit the form to their Graduate Advisor.
  4. The Graduate Advisor will forward your request to the appropriate faculty members in order to evaluate whether the class is transferrable. You may be asked to provide a copy of the class syllabus or other information about the course or university.
  5. If the class is approved for transfer at the department level, the form will be sent to the Graduate School to have the class approved at the University level.
  6. If the Graduate School approves of the transfer course, the course will be available for transfer. It will appear in CIS in your Graduate Student Summary, under the Program of Study tab, in the Transfer Classes section.
  7. Last, you must get the approval of your committee to count the class for your degree. List the transfer class on your paper Program of Study with all of your other credit hours for your degree and ask your committee to approve it.