ME Academic Misconduct Policy

September 18, 2018

1 Background

This document describes the policies and procedures used by the Department of Mechanical Engineering relating to academic misconduct of any student enrolled in a ME EN course or any course that is crosslisted with a ME EN course. This policy is effective Fall Semester 2018.

In accordance with the Code of Ethics of Engineering formulated by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering are dedicated to promoting the highest
level of standards in academic conduct. In line with our Department mission statement, the professional skills necessary “to make impactful contributions to society” include ethics. In order to prepare for a professional career in engineering, law, medicine, science, or academia, students in the Mechanical Engineering program are expected to adhere to generally accepted standards of academic integrity. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, misrepresenting one’s work, inappropriately collaborating, or fabricating or falsifying information. In an effort to establish a united message on our stance toward academic dishonesty, the Department has adopted the following policy for clearly establishing expectations and procedures. This policy is consistent with University Policy 6-400, Section V: Student Academic Conduct, and the Appeals Procedures in the College of Engineering Guidelines.

2 Mechanical Engineering Academic Misconduct Policy

Any course listed as ME EN XXXX, or any equivalent course that is cross-listed with a ME EN course will subsequently be referred to simply as a ME EN course. Any student who receives two failing grade sanctions in any University of Utah courses due to academic misconduct will be subsequently barred from registering for any additional ME EN courses. Any student pursuing any Mechanical Engineering degree who receives two such sanctions will be immediately referred to the College Academic Appeals Committee for dismissal from their respective degree program and will not be admitted to any University of Utah Mechanical Engineering degree programs in the future. Note that a failing grade sanction still applies even for students who withdraw from the course after the sanction is imposed. Per University policy, students receiving sanctions for academic misconduct may be prevented from withdrawing from the class. Any failing sanction due to academic misconduct can be appealed. If the appeal is successful then the failing sanction will be lifted. Hence, this policy applies only to failing grade sanctions that are not successfully appealed.

Academic misconduct of Mechanical Engineering students and students taking ME EN courses is tracked by the Department of Mechanical Engineering for all University of Utah courses. Information about prior offenses is available to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, the Director of Graduate Studies, the Department Chair, the Academic Standards Committee, and Mechanical Engineering office staff. This information will be protected following established FERPA guidelines.

3 Definition of Academic Misconduct

Per the University’s Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities:

“Academic misconduct” includes, but is not limited to, cheating, misrepresenting one’s work, inappropriately collaborating, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of information (see for more details). It also includes facilitating academic misconduct by intentionally helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic misconduct.”

A primary example of academic misconduct would be submitting work that is copied from another student or an outside source as one’s own work. Other examples include showing your work to another student struggling with an assignment or posting solutions or exams to websites.

ME EN course instructors have the right to define what constitutes academic misconduct for their specific class. Such definitions should be provided in the course syllabus or as an attachment provided with the syllabus. If a student has questions about the course definitions, they should seek clarification from the instructor. The departmental definitions of academic misconduct will apply by default and should be referenced if the instructor does not provide course-specific definitions.

4 Training and Acknowledgment of Policy

All students will be notified of the Mechanical Engineering academic misconduct policy both in the course syllabus and by the instructor during the first two weeks of any ME EN course. Each student in a ME EN course must review the Mechanical Engineering Academic Misconduct policy and the course’s definitions of academic misconduct if the instructor chooses to make course-specific definitions. The student must indicate completion of these tasks, typically via a Canvas quiz or a signed form kept on file with the instructor. A link to the acknowledgement process (e.g. Canvas quiz or acknowledgment form) will be available in Canvas or on the course web page. Acknowledgement of the policy and course definitions of academic misconduct must be completed as indicated by the instructor prior to the end of the second week of any semester in which a student is enrolled in a ME EN course. Students who fail to properly provide acknowledgement of the policy and course definitions of academic misconduct by this date will be asked to withdraw from the course. Students who do not withdraw from the course and fail to properly acknowledge the policy and course definition of academic misconduct will receive an EU grade.

5 Sanctions and appeals at the course level

If an instance of academic misconduct is discovered, two possible sanctions could be applied:

Fail-the-course sanction

The default sanction for an offense of academic misconduct is a failing grade for the course.

Less-than-fail sanction

As defined in the course syllabus, or due to instructor discretion, an academic misconduct sanction may be relaxed from a failing grade. Records of a relaxed sanction will also be kept in the student’s permanent file but will not count towards dismissal from the degree program or ME EN course enrollment restrictions. For either type of academic misconduct sanction, the sanctions and appeals procedure is prescribed in the College of Engineering Guidelines and Section V.B of the University of Utah Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Should a student need advice or guidance about his/her appeal, the Mechanical Engineering Director of Undergraduate or Graduate Studies can serve as an informal advisor, and the student is encouraged to seek such help.

6 Student Responsibilities

  1. Students are required to understand this policy and to not engage in any activity that could constitute academic misconduct as defined in this policy, which includes course definitions established by the instructor.
  2. Students must provide acknowledgement of this policy and course definitions of academic misconduct prior to the end of the second week of the class. Acknowledgement must be provided as indicated by the instructor, either via a Canvas quiz or signed acknowledgement form.
  3. Students should notify the instructor immediately if they suspect academic misconduct is occurring.