Additional Academic Opportunities

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers many academic opportunities to expand your undergraduate studies outside of your major coursework.

Students may elect to complete one of thirteen optional emphases within Mechanical Engineering: Aerospace Engineering, Biomechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Design and Manufacturing, Industrial Engineering, Micro/Nanoscale Engineering, Robotics and Control, Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics, Sustainable Energy Engineering, Dynamics and Control, Thermal Systems Engineering, and Ergonomics and Safety. An emphasis, indicated on the student’s transcript, will indicate high academic achievement in the area of specialization.

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Mechatronics Certificate: Any student in the College of Engineering can earn a certificate in Mechatronics by completing the required classes, 14 semester hours of approved electives, and an approved Mechatronics project. The certificate will be awarded with a bachelor’s degree or at the graduate level. Learn more

Entrepreneurship Certificate: In partnership with the David Eccles School of Business, the Engineering Entrepreneurship Certificate offers engineering students the opportunity for hands-on innovation experience as well as a strong foundation in the business aspects of technology. The program is intended for students who want to start their own company as well as for those interested in the complexities of the dynamic business world in which we live. Our aim is to provide the educational background to thrive in small and large business environments, convey technical information in business terms and understand business viability of engineering solutions. All engineering students interested in understanding the complexities of the dynamic business world in which we live are invited to apply. Learn More

Data Science Certificate: The worlds of science, engineering, and business are now reliant on data-driven analysis and decision making.  Data Science is the 21st century discipline formalizing this process, and making enormous impacts in new scientific discoveries, engineering how the world works, and driving business decisions which power much of our economic growth.  A data scientist is one who can weave a complete story with data, from its humble and messy beginnings, through its maturation via sophisticated analysis, and concluding with an explanation of its real-world impact. For a primer on a graduation plan with Mechanical Engineering and Data Science, click here. Click here to Learn More

For undergraduate students interested in vigorous pursuit of research, the Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a combined degree program intended to foster undergraduate research and to accelerate progress toward the M.S. degree.

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Mechanical Engineering majors can strengthen their Bachelor’s degrees if they choose to complete a minor. There are several minors that complement the mechanical engineering curriculum nicely:

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Students in the College of Engineering wishing to pursue and Honors Degree MUST be admitted to the University Honors College:

Honors in Engineering is a path to achieve an Honors Degree that aligns with degree programs in the student’s major. There is no separate application process for Honors in Engineering. Students will be advised for their Honors courses in the College of Engineering and will be assigned a faculty mentor to work with them as they prepare their Honors Thesis.

For more information about the Honors in Engineering path contact Sierra Whipple-Padgen at or (801) 581-8954.

The Undergraduate Research Scholar Designation (URSD) recognizes a student’s commitment to their development as a researcher during their undergraduate career. The URSD appears in the awards section of the transcripts of graduating students. URSD awardees receive a white research cord from the Office of Undergraduate Research to wear at convocation and commencement.

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Lassonde+X is an introductory academic program for all undergraduate students from all backgrounds and majors (the X) to explore and practice entrepreneurship. It is provided by the David Eccles School of Business and Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah, which have an entrepreneur program ranked among the best in the nation. Lassonde+X students learn the entrepreneurial mindset to help them become innovators, problem-solvers and change-makers in applying their major in whatever careers they choose. All students benefit from learning entrepreneurial skills including: working on interdisciplinary teams, identifying opportunities, starting a company, developing a product, adding and creating value, marketing and more. Students are inspired to see their major through a lens of creating impact and value. Start by registering for ENTP 1010 (or BCOR 2040 for business majors).

Learn more on the Lassonde+X website