Degree Plan and Math Flowcharts
When a student declares their major in mechanical engineering, their requirements are tied to a catalog year. A student’s catalog year is the academic year they’ve declared and a student can check their catalog year in CIS. The requirements for the cognizant catalog years are below.
To determine your math placement up to Calculus 1, please refer to the Math Department website. The ALEKS assessment is the most comprehensive tool while measures like previous high school math, ACT and SAT scores can be helpful for a quick reference.
The Math Flowchart here explains the Traditional, Engineering, and Honors math path for mechanical engineers.
Students who attain major status in Fall 2024 or later will be on the new catalog which includes the new General Education Structure, the addition of an Ethics requirement, and additional lab classes for ME EN 2450 – Numerical Methods and ME EN 2650 – Manufacturing.
Students who started at the U between Fall 2023 and Summer 2024 will be able to keep their catalog, and can opt into the new General Education structure or keep the old General Education structure.
Students who started at the U prior to Fall 2023 will be allowed to opt in to the new General Education Structure, but only by updating to a new 2024-25 catalog. This will include the Ethics requirement, ME EN 2455 and ME EN 2655 labs*.
*ME EN 2455 and ME EN 2655 are projected to be offered starting Fall 2025. If a student on an earlier catalog is taking ME EN 2450 and/or 2650 prior to Fall 2025, they will not need the separate 2455 and 2655 classes.
The Mechanical Engineering faculty recently voted to change the ME flowchart to move Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer one semester earlier. The desire is to have all students complete all three of these courses before enrolling in ME EN 4000 Engineering Design I. Depending on where you are in the program, this will impact you as follows:
- Current students who are enrolled in second semester second year courses or higher in Fall 2019 will follow the OLD flowchart
- Current students who are enrolled in first semester second year courses (e.g., ME EN 2450 and MSE 2160) in Fall 2019 are strongly encouraged to take ME EN 3610 Thermodynamics in Spring 2020. However, if this does not work for you, we will be flexible for a few semesters with prerequisites for ME EN 4000.
- Current students who are enrolled in first year courses should plan to follow the NEW flowchart, which means taking ME EN 2030 Dynamics in the first semester of the second year to make room for Thermodynamics in the second semester of the second year.
- As of Summer 2020, Thermodynamics will be numbered ME EN 2300 for all students (ME EN 2300 grades can replace ME EN 3610 grades).
An updated flowchart** is below. Please contact an advisor if you have any questions or would like to discuss your schedule.
In Fall 2024, the University of Utah introduced a new general education plan for all incoming students. The details of the general education requirements can be found here.
Students who enrolled at the prior to Fall 2024 and declared their major in Summer 2024 (and catalog year) or earlier will default to the older plan, or may opt-in to the new plan by talking with their academic advisor.
Students who enrolled at the U before Fall 2024, but declared their major (and catalog year) as 2024-25 or later will default to the new General Education plan and can opt-in to the old plan by talking with their academic advisor.
*Engineering Calculus only available at University of Utah (Engineering Calculus classes are geared towards engineering majors, whereas traditional Calculus classes may include students from many majors. The Engineering classes would be less theoretical and more applied towards engineering type problems).
**All flowcharts, including requirements and prerequisites, are subject to change and course availability is not guaranteed in any given semester. Students should consult for current course prerequisites and not rely on the flowchart.