Mechanical Engineering Course Articulation Form

Please complete this form to request that the M.E. department accept a transfer course that is not already articulated. This form is for all ME EN courses as well as Materials Science and Electrical Engineering.  Contact your advisor with any questions.

For Chemistry courses, use the Chemistry Department’s form instead.

For Physics courses, use the Physics Department’s form instead.

For Math courses, use the Math Department’s form instead.

For Writing 1 or Writing 2, use the Writing and Rhetoric Studies form instead

For all other General Education courses, use the College of Engineering’s form instead.

Enter uNID as 8 digits with a zero replacing the 'u' (e.g., 00123456)
We will use this email address to notify you of the outcome of your request. Please check it regularly.
Major *
Required course at the U of U that you believe the course you took is equivalent to (see for catalog descriptions)

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Syllabus (should be obtainable online, from the professor or the department if you no longer have it); if after checking with all of those sources you are still unable to aquire a syllabus, copy and paste the catalog description into a Word document and upload.