ME Petition Form

Please complete this form to request an exception to ME department policy. You are strongly encouraged to discuss your situation with your ME advisor before submitting a petition. (All petitions submitted prior to March 18th will be held and reviewed after March 18th. If supplemental information is required, you will receive a decision by 2 weeks from the time the supplemental information was submitted. Please include a detailed course plan to graduation in your petition (one for if the petition is approved and one for if it isn’t approved). 

Enter uNID as 8 digits with a zero replacing the 'u' (e.g., 00123456)
Responses will be sent to Umail only. Please check it regularly.
Reason for Petition *
Check the course that you want to take. If you need to petition for more than one course, you will need to address each course separately in your justification.
Check all prerequisite courses in which you have an insufficient (below C-) grade and/or all prerequisite or co-requisite courses that you are missing.
Provide a short description of your petition.

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Write a justification for your petition that includes: 1) information on what happened, what you are requesting, and how you plan to be successful. 2) An academic plan showing the courses you will take from now until graduation. 3) Any additional supporting documents or information (e.g. medical records, emails, canvas screenshots). Upload this as a single PDF or Microsoft Word document. Your file should be named Lastname Firstname petition (e.g., Mascaro Debra petition .pdf).