Shad Roundy

Roundy Receives NSF Grant for Energy Harvesting

For his research, Mechanical Energy Harvesting from Upper Arm Motion Leveraging…

Park Receives Utah NASA Space Grant Consortium Training Grant

For his research, which aims to implement photoconductive atomic force…

U Engineering Students Win Bench-2-Bedside

A team that includes two University of Utah engineering students won the 2015…

U Mechanical Engineering Student Awarded DOE Fellowship

Brooklyn Noble is first Utah student and mechanical engineer to receive a…

Patching the Pipeline: Educators, Businesses Call for Utah Tech Talent

Deseret News:  When KC Jensen changed his mind about becoming a patent…

Spear Receives AFOSR Grant to Enhance Predictive Capabilities for Structural-Materials Performance

For her research, 3-D Multi-Scale Modeling Combined with Machine Learning for a…

U Students Develop Engineering Course Materials for Nationwide Use

March 12, 2015—A pair of engineering undergraduates at the University of Utah…

Distinguished Seminar: Gretchen McClain

The Doors Engineering Can Open - The Broad Career & Exciting Opportunities…

When it Comes to Robots, Mark Minor says the Future is Here

Deseret News: Mark Minor, the University of Utah professor who is developing…

Utah Students Take a Remote Drive on a "Mars" Rock Yard

cradlepoint -global Leader in 4G LTE Network Solutions blog on University of…