Robotics Seminar: Mykel Kochenderfer, Ph.D.
Building Trust in Decision Support Systems for Aerospace Wed., Apr. 13, 2016…
Distinguished Seminar: Jay D. Humphrey, Ph.D.
Mechanical and Mechanobiological Factors in Aneurysm Progression Friday,…
UofU-BYU Seminar Exchange: Eric Homer, Ph.D.
Mechanical Engineering is excited to announce the creation of a UofU-BYU…
Distinguished Seminar: Anthony Rollett
Advances in Modeling and Simulation of Micromechanical Response of Materials,…
Brown Bag Lunch Series: Brittany Coats, Ph.D.
Bring your lunch and join us Wed., Oct. 28, 2015 noon - 1:00 pm, in 0560 MEK…
Distinguished Seminar: Robert Webster
Can Needle-Sized Robot Tentacles Help Surgeons Save Lives? Friday, October 30,…
Seminar: Wojciech Lipiński, Ph.D.
Advances in Heat Transfer for Solar Thermochemical Applications Thursday,…
Distinguished Seminar: Yung Shin, Ph.D.
Can Lasers Light Up New Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Processing?…
Brown Bag Lunch Series: Amanda Smith, Ph.D.
Mechanical Engineering is excited to announce the first speaker in our Brown…