"Bionic" Leg Powered by AI

Freethink Media, which produces in-depth videos on some of the most amazing…

Intuitive Lightweight Lower-Limb Prostheses

For amputees, walking down the sidewalk verses taking the stairs can be…

Meet New Faculty Member - Jungkyu (Jay) Kim

The University of Utah Department of Mechanical Engineering is pleased to…

Meet New Faculty Member Pai Wang, Ph.D.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is excited to announce the arrival of…

Using Farmland for Solar Panels

Mechanical engineering associate professor Marc Calaf was part of a study that…

Capstone Project - Tetra Watercraft in the News

A sailboat for quadriplegics specifically designed by students of University of…

Seminar: Polyurethane Foam Process Modeling: Foaming and Curing in a Complex Mold

Rekha R. Rao, Ph.D. Distinguished Member of Technical Staff Sandia National…

Beat the Heat

It’s estimated that as much as two-thirds of energy consumed in the U.S. each…