Distinguished Speaker: Gary Harlow, Ph.D.

"Probability and Statistics Issues in Wire Fed Additive Manufacturing of…

Warren Received UURF for Metal Organic Framework-Derived Carbons for Sodium-Ion Battery Anodes Research

Mechanical Engineering assistant professor Roseanne Warren received a U Funding…

Chang Receives UURF for Nano/Micro Scale 3D Printing of Polymers using Near-Field Electrospinning Research

Assistant Professor Jiyoung Chang received a U Funding Incentive Seed Grant for…

Strong Stuff - Students are Designing Materials Tough Enough to Land on Another Planet

Smithsonian Air & Space Magazine -  by Linda Shiner The spacecraft that…

Distinguished Speaker: Yuwen Zhang, Ph.D.

Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Liquid-Vapor Phase Change Friday, Sept.…

Scholarly Seminar: Antonios Kontsos, Ph.D.

A Mechanics Perspective in Understanding Incubation & Initiation of Ductile…

Gale & Collaborators receive UURF $17.5k Grant for Integrated Nanotoxicology on a Chip

Project Title: Integrated Nanotoxicology on a Chip, University of Utah Research…

Two New ME Faculty for 2017-2018

The University of Utah’s College of Engineering continues to grow, and this…

Merryweather & Colleagues Awarded the 2017 IEA/Liberty Mutual Medal

Mechanical engineering assistant professor Andrew Merryweather and his…

Scholarly Seminar: Gliding Robotic Fish: Make "Sense" of the Underwater World

Xiaobo Tan, Ph.D. Foundation Professor Department of Electrical & Computer…