ME Graduation Reception Honors Students

May 5, 2017, was a huge day for Mechanical Engineering at the U, as 13 Ph.D.,…

ME Ph.D. Student Ali Samarefilsoofi Recognized as ME TA of the Year

The ME students’ choice 2016-2017 Outstanding Teaching Assistant (TA) of the…

ME Ph.D. Candidate Rami M. Shorti Receives ME Outstanding Dissertation of the Year Award

The 2016-2017 Outstanding Dissertation of the Year Award is in recognition for…

Vignesh Sivaramakrishnan, B.S.'17, Receives ME Student Leadership of the Year Award

The Student Leadership of the Year Award is in recognition for Vignesh…

Scholarly Seminar: Recent Advancement of Atomic Force Microscopy and Its Applications

Hanna Cho, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical & Aerospace…

Balaji Helps Develop Robotic Drill for Surgeries

A computer-driven automated drill, similar to those used to machine auto parts,…

John DeSutter, Ph.D. Candidate 2018, Received a U Graduate Research Fellowship

Mechanical Engineering is excited to announce that John DeSutter, Ph.D.…

Popek, Hermans and Abbott ICRA 2017 paper selected as one of the finalists of Best Medical Robotics Paper Award

Katie Popek, Tucker Hermans and Jake Abbott’s submitted paper entitled: “First…