Roundy Receives NSF CAREER Award

Mechanical Engineering assistant professor Shad Roundy, in the University of…

Merryweather's TheTetra Universal Controller Showcased at CES 2017

Four teams from the University of Utah presented new technologies at this…

Distinguished Seminar: Joseph C. Klewicki, Ph.D.

Self-Similar Properties of Boundary Layer Turbulence at High Reynolds Numbers…

Seminar: The Grand Finale of NASA's Cassini Mission to Saturn

U alumna Julie Webster, manager of the Cassini Spacecraft Operations Office at…

Naleway, Raeymaekers Receive RIF Award for New Nanoindenter

Mechanical engineering assistant professor, Steven Naleway (principle…

Park receives University of Utah Seed Grant

Congratulations to Prof. Kay Park!  He recently received a University of Utah…

ME Prof. Park and collaborator Prof. Gaillardon receive UU Research Instrumentation Fund

Congratulations to Professors Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon and Kay Park who…

Czabaj Receives ALS and LBNL Beam Time

For his research Life-cycle Quantification of Ultrahigh Temperature Materials…

Distinguished Seminar: Liwei Lin, Ph.D.

Integrated Functional Nanostructures for Sensing and Energy Applications…

Seminar: Rodolphe Vaillon, Ph.D., Nov. 17

Thermal Behavior of Photovoltaic Devices: An Overview Rodolphe Vaillon, Ph.D.…