Jake Abbott receives funding for two-handed large-workspace haptic interface
The Utah Robotics Center recently added two 7-degree-of-freedom Quanser HD^2…
Spear Receives AFOSR Young Investigator Award
Congratulations to Dr. Ashley Spear, assistant professor in mechanical…
ME Fall 2015 Design Day
Whether it’s throwing clay pigeons into the sky or designing a water pail that…
UofU-BYU Seminar Exchange: Eric Homer, Ph.D.
Mechanical Engineering is excited to announce the creation of a UofU-BYU…
Two Alumnae Finalists in Women Tech Awards 2015
Over the past eight years, the Women Tech Council (WTC) has recognized 130…
Distinguished Seminar: Anthony Rollett
Advances in Modeling and Simulation of Micromechanical Response of Materials,…
Utah No. 1 for Business . . . Again!
Forbes/Business—There are parts of the U.S. that are thriving thanks to strong…
Brittany Coats: Understanding Brain Injury
Each year, approximately 1,300 children in the U.S. are victims of severe or…
Professor Named Utah ASME Safety Professional of the Year (SPY)
The Utah Chapter of the ASSE recognized Danielle Denne, CSP, MPH and Andrew S.…
Brown Bag Lunch Series: Brittany Coats, Ph.D.
Bring your lunch and join us Wed., Oct. 28, 2015 noon - 1:00 pm, in 0560 MEK…