Seminar: ASME Utah Presents: Surviving the Data Explosion: Tools for Big Data

Adele Cutler, Ph.D. Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Utah State…

Forbes cites mechanical engineering as one of the 10 best-paying college majors for women

By Jenna Goudreau, Forbes Staff (Full Story) “Although women cannot avoid the…

Biomechanics in the Brain

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) contribute to 50,000 deaths annually and many…

David Hoeppner, The Dream Lives On

Coming from a family where no one had ever been to college, David Hoeppner’s…

Pardyjak Receives Researcher of the Year 2011

The University of Utah Department of Mechanical Engineering is pleased to…

Seminar: Bio-Cooperative Rehabilitation Robots

Dr. Robert Riener Sensory-Motor Systems Lab, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland;…