ME Sophomore takes Second Place in the 24-Hour HackTheU Competition

Mechanical Engineering sophomore Takara Truong took an impressive second place…

Dr. Babak Hejrati (Ph.D., 2016) Joins the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at the University of Maine

A huge congratulations goes out to Dr. Babak Hejrati, who has accepted an offer…

ME Student takes 1st Place in SB3C PhD Student Paper Competition!

Advised by Mechanical Engineering associate professor Ken Monson in the…

U Robotics Center Researchers Win Best Paper Award in Medical Robotics at ICRA 2017

Katie Popek, Tucker Hermans, and Jake Abbott's  paper entitled, “First…

Doors Open for ME EN HBS Recipients

Choosing to challenge the status quo, six 2017 Mechanical Engineering (ME EN)…

Career Change to Mechanical Engineering

New University of Utah engineering graduate Scott Ferguson shifted his career…

ME Graduation Reception Honors Students

May 5, 2017, was a huge day for Mechanical Engineering at the U, as 13 Ph.D.,…

ME Ph.D. Student Ali Samarefilsoofi Recognized as ME TA of the Year

The ME students’ choice 2016-2017 Outstanding Teaching Assistant (TA) of the…

ME Ph.D. Candidate Rami M. Shorti Receives ME Outstanding Dissertation of the Year Award

The 2016-2017 Outstanding Dissertation of the Year Award is in recognition for…