Fracture to Damage Multiscale Modeling and Application to Extreme Events Simulation
Friday, Nov. 11, 2016, 3:15 pm
Sidney & Marian Green Classroom (3550 MEK)
Reception to follow at 4:15 pm
Jiun-Shyan Chen, Ph.D.
William Prager Chair of the Structural Engineering Department
Director of the Center for Extreme Events Research
University of California San Diego
Abstract: The failure processes in the materials exhibit distinct characteristics depending on the material ductility, the loading rate, and the environmental conditions. The mathematical models and the associated numerical methods for describing the material failure processes can be classified as the discrete description based on fracture mechanics and the continuum phenomenological description based on damage mechanics. This work first discusses how damage mechanics based models can be formulated by the homogenization of fracture models. The challenges in the numerical approximation and discretization of failure modeling based on fracture mechanics and damage mechanics will then be addressed. The mesh dependent issue in the micro-crack informed damage model remedied by the implicit gradient regularization or scaling laws under the Reproducing Kernel Particle Method (RKPM) will introduced, and stability and convergence of the proposed numerical methods will be discussed. Finally, the numerical simulations of various damage processes in extreme events will be given.
Bio: J. S. Chen received Ph.D. from Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, Northwestern University in 1989. He is currently the Inaugural William Prager Chair of Structural Engineering Department and the Director of Center for Extreme Events Research at UC San Diego. Before joining UCSD in October 2013, he was the Chancellor’s Professor of UCLA Civil & Environmental Engineering Department where he served as the Department Chair during 2007-2012. J. S. Chen’s research is in computational mechanics and multiscale materials modeling with specialization in the development of meshfree methods. He is the Past President of US Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM) and the Present of ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI). He has received numerous awards, including the Computational Mechanics Award from International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM). He is the Fellow of USACM, IACM, ASME, EMI, ICACM, and ICCEES.