Director, Center of Excellence for Biomedical Microfluidics

Phone: (801) 585-5944
1580 MEK | 3711 SMBB
Lab: 3800 SMBB

Media: Bruce Gale Appointed Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering | Gale and Raeymaekers Recognized at the 2018 Celebrate U Event | Gale & Collaborators receive UURF $17.5k Grant for Integrated Nanotoxicology on a Chip | Gale Receives Grant from the U VP of Research | Gale Receives Mayo Clinic Grant for Optofluidic Device for Genetic Screening | Manufacturing a Brighter Utah | Gale Receives Chip Manufacturing Funding from Espira | Gale Named 2014 Distinguished Mentor | Researcher of the Year 2012


  • Ph.D. IN BIOENGINEERING 1999, University of Utah
  • B.S. IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AUGUST 1995, Brigham Young University Provo, UT
Research Interests

  • Microfluidics, MEMS, and nanotechnology applications in medicine and biology.
  • Integrated microsystems for biomedical separations, sensing, and actuation.
  • Micropumps, microvalves, and microsensors.
  • Microscale DNA analysis systems.
  • DNA and protein microarrays.
  • Highly parallel fluid handling.