MSSE Program of Study Form

Congratulations on pursuing your MSSE at the U. The Program of Study is your agreement with the U of the courses that you will take to earn an MSSE. Besides taking the classes, you also have to keep a 3.0 graduate GPA, and earn a B or better in all core courses. In the final semester, you will have to apply for graduation and pass the capstone experience.

This form should be filled out after completing 9 hours and before completing 18 hours. If something happens and you are not able to the complete the courses in your Program of Study, contact the program director to determine a substitute course(s). Although the anticipated semester for enrolling in a course is listed in this form, only a change in an actual course needs to be approved by the program director, and the semester taken does not matter unless the classes are separated by 5 years.

For transfer credit from another university, enter transfer, the institution, and class name either in the course name for elective courses or in the grade field if the class is transferring as a core class.

Masters Systems Engineering Notification of Completion

Maximum file size: 5MB

Course Requirements

What semester did/will you take SIME 6400 or ME EN 6160 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering?
What semester did/will you take SIME 6460 or ME EN 6166 Model-Based Systems Engineering?
What semester did/will you take SIME 6410 or ME EN 6170 System Engineering and Integration?
What semester did/will you take SIME 6060 or ME EN 6183 Discrete Event Systems Simulation?
What semester did/will you take SIME 6430, ME EN 6165 Requirements Engineering, or ME EN 6181 Systems Definition and Modeling?
What semester did/will you take ME EN 6035 Design of Experiments or ME EN 6040 Quality Assurance Engineering?
What semester did/will you take your first additional course in the Price College of Engineering?

What semester did/will you take your second additional course in the Price College of Engineering?

What semester did/will you take your first additional elective course?
What semester did/will you take your second additional elective course?

By typing your signature and date, and submitting this form, you are agreeing that these are the courses you are using as your Program of Study for the MSSE at the University of Utah. If approved, these courses are the courses that you need to complete to satisfy the course requirements for the MSSE. You also understand that deviating from these courses may result in you not graduating with your MSSE. If you decide to change your Program of Study, contact the Director of Systems Engineering Programs about a change of Program of Study procedure.

By submitting this form, you are agreeing to the standard Supervisory Committee for the MSSE.  If you wish to form a different Supervisory Committee, please contact the Director of Systems Engineering Programs

Typed Signature
Typed Signature