Design Day Fall 2024
Design Day is an opportunity to share our Senior Design Showcase with the public. Seniors work in groups with faculty to design and test projects.
Senior Design Projects: Fall 2024
Current wheelchair power assist devices are not equipped to handle uneven terrain and expose manual wheelchairs to excessive force and wear. The objectives of the Adaptive CycleBoard are to secure a personal wheelchair onto the scooter, ensure sufficient stability for safety, reduce wear and dirt build up on wheelchair wheels, and modify motor control to allow zero-speed power and reverse capabilities. The goal of the project is to enable adults living with paraplegia to attach their personal manual wheelchairs to our power assist system in order to access uneven terrain trails and increase their independence and ability to recreate outdoors.
Team: Aubrie Aagard (Lead), Trevin Craig, Kayden Jenkins, Garrett Stoneman, Will Templeman, Ishan Dhawan
Advisor: Andy Gill, Dr. Jeff Rosenbluth
Atlas Seals needs a testing bench capable of testing different combinations of seal types, shaft finishes and sizes to test their new rotary seal technology, LockstepTM. Automated data acquisition must be performed for temperature, RPM, torque, and time to failure. The test bench unit will include a variable RPM control system. This project aims to create a fully functional testing bench for Atlas Seals with all listed variable collection and control.
Team: Mikael Mrotek (Lead), Joseph Burns, Darcy Cloward, Brandon Jaszkowiak
Advisor: Reid Rouse
Design, analyze, and manufacture a roll cage for the Baja SAE competition that complies with all Baja SAE rules.
Team: Noah Carroll (Lead), Nathan Sudbury, Samuel Becker, Daniel Bostrom,
Advisor: Randall Morrill, Andy Gill
The primary goal of this project is to redesign the Formula SAE car chassis to create a sleeker, lighter, and more manufacturable frame while maintaining structural integrity, safety, and compliance with the FSAE rulebook. This project also includes creating the mold for the carbon fiber chassis that is reusable and easier to manufacture than the current method.
Team: Emerson Janetka (Lead), Liam Lewis, Rachel Saathoff, Alex Treseder
Advisor: Dr. Ken d’Entremont
This project aims to work with the concurrently running FSAE chassis project to create a robust suspension system that meets the FSAE rulebook requirements and exhibits favorable performance traits. The final system will enable the vehicle to perform intricate maneuvers while keeping the wheels in contact with the ground during vehicle operation.
Team: Alec Barrett (Lead), Caden Thatcher, Joonyup Kwon, Kibin Park
Advisor: Dr. Ken d’Entremont
The Grim Reaper Broadheads team is designing an automated thread locking application process designed to apply thread locker to ~30 archery broadhead geometries. To accomplish this task, our team has been busy designing methods of aligning, fixturing broadheads, heating, and spraying broadheads. This task has led us to various technology solutions, such as vibratory feeder bowls, vision systems, powder coating equipment and pneumatic controls. This entire set up is to be controlled via PLC.
Team: Nathan Vance (Lead), Matt Kitabjian, Alex Kofford, Michael Davis, Mariano Londono
Advisor: Dr. Pedro Huebner
The Hogle Zoo aims to enhance safety systems in the outdoor habitats for Gorillas and Orangutans. Fall protection systems will be designed to enable zoo workers to safely clean and perform maintenance tasks. These systems are intended to prevent falls and minimize injury risk. Guardrail systems will be designed and installed in each exhibit to withstand maximum forces and comply with OSHA, UOSH, and zoological safety standards.
Team: Alec Laney (Lead), Adon Yoder, Brendan Pasdo
Advisor: Dr. Ken d’Entremont
Wasatch Timber is a leader in providing log homes, timbers, logs, and natural wood products in Utah. Our team’s project is to modernize their industrial timber lathe. This entails designing a replacement for their current lathe headstock, as well as installing a controller for cutting operations.
Team: Arlow Hancock (Lead), Elton Kunze-Jones, Jason Frantz, Jeff Nigbur, Tyler Wilcox, Zachary Thomsen
Advisor: Andy Gill
Our team is sponsored by Innovative Solutions LLC, with the goal of designing two separate consumer products that address issues consumers currently have to deal with. The first product is an ice bag that prevents ice from clumping together when freezing. The second product is a disposable container that rapidly cools cooking grease to a throw-away safe temperature.
Team: Savannah Calin (Lead), Tyler Richardson, Maurice Yancey, Cade Hastings, Austin Denholm
Advisor: Dr. Todd Easton
Wildfires present several dangers to communities and firefighters. Fires can be unpredictable and grow at astonishingly fast rates. Active fire mapping improves the effectiveness of firefighters in containing fires and protecting any at risk communities. The goal of this project is to create a gimbaled camera system capable of mounting to an unmanned aerial system. The camera and UAS would allow firefighters to monitor and track fires from long ranges and over extended periods of time.
Team: Grant Leland (Lead), Cory Knose, Logan Lancaster, Benson Pulver, Nick Snell
Advisor: Dr. Kam Leang
Pelvic floor disorders (PFDs) are a common ailment among women. PFDs result from a loss of pelvic floor muscle strength due to the weakening of the levator ani muscles. The current method of analyzing the strength of these muscles is very subjective and requires specialized training. This project aims to design a handheld device that accurately measures the strength of the levator ani muscles. The device should be a user-friendly, biocompatible, accessible, comfortable, and reliable device that displays the maximum force applied by the muscles without using electronics.
Team: Dalton Daley (Lead), Julia Denton, Sadie Austin, Noah Boekweg, Nick Duval
Advisor: Dr. Pedro Huebner
We aim to design and prototype a system that can autonomously remove trash from large bodies of water.
Team: William Wenger (Lead), Marlon Alanis, Carlos Gonzalez, Sladen Nelson, Matthew Perkins
Advisor: Randall Morrill
The goal of the PCAGE is to enable people to grow their own culinary mushrooms at home with no greater level of interaction than that of a common houseplant. The PCAGE controls temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels to promote optimal growth for a diverse set of mushrooms.
Team: Edison Morrow (Lead), Mark Lee, Creed McCord
Advisor: Dr. Naleway
Bentham LLC is working on a solar airship to revolutionize air travel for a wide variety of markets. The design consists of a mix of geodesic structural engineering, aerospace framing materials, and solar air ballooning materials and methods. Their primary goal currently is to demonstrate feasibility of lifting a large, rigid object into the sky under solar radiation alone. The objective of this project is to create designs for components of the airship and investigate construction techniques for Bentham’s large-scale model. The creation of prototype components such as strut connector housings, envelope attachment points, and strut arrangements are key in informing success for Bentham’s own full-scale prototype; constructional information on our small-scale prototype also is highly useful in informing safety concerns and constructional techniques for the full-scale prototype.
Team: Joseph Lee (Lead), Amine Ben Aissa, Jae Woong Lee, Richard Sagers, Man Hin Yung
Advisor: Dr. M Dillon, Andy Gill

Design and Fabricate a suspension system for use on the University of Utah’s SAE Baja competition vehicle.
Team: Preston Hanson (Lead), Emmanuel Gloria, Jesse Dial
Advisor: Andy Gill