2017-2018 Student Leader of the Year: Lindsay WalterRead MoreJune 12, 2018 Dr. John Greenhall Receives 2017-2018 Outstanding Dissertation AwardRead MoreJune 12, 2018 Utah Student Robotic Team Represent @ NASA Kennedy Space CenterRead MoreMay 29, 2018 Ph.D. Student, Bang He, Recognized with the U Individual Dedication Research AwardRead MoreMay 29, 2018 BS/MS Honors Student Kaden Plewe 1 of 21 Selected Nationally for LADSSRead MoreMay 21, 2018 Junior Selected Nationally for Los Alamos National Laboratory Computational Physics Summer WorkshopRead MoreMay 7, 2018 Predicting Energy UseRead MoreApril 30, 2018 LIT Outdoors: Freedom to Explore Every Corner of the WorldRead MoreApril 30, 2018 High-Speed DNA CollectionRead MoreApril 11, 2018 Moriah Henning (B.S. 2019) – 2018 Chevron Foundation UROP ScholarRead MoreApril 2, 2018