McMaster-Carr logoIn order to increase the efficiency of purchasing from McMaster-Carr, and to avoid costly and time consuming mistakes in orders, we are requesting that you begin using McMaster’s easy online order building system. You will still need to fill out the top part of the Purchase Request form, but you will not have to type the item information into the purchase request. The McMaster system will do that for you. The real benefit is that the I will not have to retype the info either. It will automatically be entered. Here’s how to use the system:
  1. Go to the McMaster website
  2. Select the item you wish to purchase
  3. Click on the item you wish to purchase, select the quantity and other particulars (size, length, etc.), and click on “add to order”
  4. Repeat 2 and 3 above until you have added all items you wish to purchase
  5. Click on “current order” in the gray box upper right hand corner of the webpage
  6. Verify the list of items is correct; if it is not, make your corrections
  7. Click on “Save” in the small menu just below the “current order” box
    • enter a name that is useful to you for that particular order. Your name and the date generally are good items for the name; then click “OK”
  8. For some reason, the McMaster website then changes the screen at this point so you now need to open the saved order by clicking on the “saved order” link in the upper right hand corner. You may have to select a specific order from a drop down list if you have recently created a lot of saved orders
  9. If you wish to submit the order at that time to the ME office, click on “Forward” in the small menu just below the “current order” box. Forward the order to:
  10.  Select the checkbox “email me a copy” so you receive an email version of your order
  11. Fill out the top portion of a normal purchase request, including your name, account/project info, and appropriate signature.
  12. In the bottom portion of the Purchase Request, write “See McMaster Order X”, where X is the name of the order you saved and forwarded. You must include the known order total in the Price field, so your PI knows how much they are authorizing.

Please note that once you click on “forward” your saved order is no longer available on the McMaster website under the “saved orders” link. To see what you ordered or modify the order, you must use the email version sent or copied to your email.

Please build your cart and send it to

Thank you!

Purchasing Agent
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Utah
Phone# 801-587-7742
Fax# 801-585-9826