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Maggie Bowler

  • Phone: (801) 581-6780
  • Email: maggie.bowler@utah.edu
  • Office: 1557 MEK

Provides pre- and post-award administrative support to faculty.

Scott Uhlrich

  • Email: scott.uhlrich@utah.edu

Research Interests:
Movement biomechanics
Neuro-musculoskeletal simulation
Mobile sensing (computer vision, wearables)
Machine learning
Rehabilitation engineering
Google Scholar Citations

Erika Pliner

Research Interests:
Fall Prevention
Occupational Safety
Balance Control

Genesis Briceno

  • Phone: (801) 213-1160
  • Email: genesis.briceno@utah.edu
  • Office: 1550 MEK

Processes travel reimbursements and travel arrangements for department guests. Purchases department catering and department supplies. Supports major department events with Administrative Program Coordinator, Undergraduate Advising, and Graduate Advising.

Yongzhi Qu

  • Phone: 801-581-3517
  • Email: yongzhi.qu@utah.edu
  • Office: 1343 MEK

Research Interests:
Artificial intelligence and dynamic systems,
AI – driven metrology,
Next-generation Digital Twins,
In-situ monitoring,
diagnostics and prognostics,
Autonomous manufacturing.
Google Scholar Citations

Agastya Balantrapu

  • Phone: 801-581-3932
  • Email: agastya.balantrapu@utah.edu
  • Office: 1341 MEK

Research Interests:
Experimental fluid dynamics,
High Reynolds number turbulence,
Quantitative flow visualization techniques,
Aero/Hydro acoustics,
Insect navigation algorithms in natural flows,
Passive scalar dispersion in atmospheric flows.

Lane Sutton

  • Phone: (801) 581-3517
  • Email: lane.sutton@utah.edu
  • Office: 1568 MEK

Current MS & PhD Students Last Names (M-Z)
Meets and advises Mechanical Engineering graduate students, helping students develop educational plans and assisting them from admission to graduation. Assists students with matters relating to academics, such as, course planning, registration, student record management, tuition benefit enrollment, graduation, and thesis and dissertation formatting.

Rheannon Burnside

  • Phone: (801) 581-4160
  • Email: Rheannon.burnside@utah.edu
  • Office: 1560D MEK

Meets with students with last names F-L.
Meets and advises Mechanical Engineering undergraduate students helping students develop educational plans and supporting them from admission to graduation. Assists students with major exploration, course planning, registration, campus resources, building study skills, transfer credit evaluation, degree requirements, and graduation clearance.

Andy Gill

  • Phone: (801) 419-1512
  • Email: andy.gill@utah.edu
  • Office: 1012 MEK

Manages the Capstone Program and advises students on their capstone design projects. Acts as the liaison and main point of contact between Industry Sponsors, Faculty Advisors, Capstone Instructors, Students, and Lab Managers to ensure the ME 4000 and ME 4010 course objectives are met.

Shuaihang Pan

  • Email: shuaihang.pan@utah.edu
  • Office: 2339 MEK

Research interests:
Advanced manufacturing
Additive manufacturing
Metal and alloy design
Materials' degradation protection
Google Scholar Citations